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VzPon - Personal Financial Advisors

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Personal Financial Advisors | Interest expense VzPon | Monetary Union: improve stability |

Iz vsebine

Interest expense in 2010 of the Federal make up around 12 percent of total expenditure. According to the social spending, this is the second largest item on the expenditure side of the federal. Interest expense in 2010 of the Federal make up around 12 percent of total expenditure. According to the social spending, this is the second largest item on the expenditure side of the federal. High government debt in Germany for years restricts the ability of the state massively. Reason is the dramatically growing interest burden. This year. The consequences are enormous. Sure, with the introduction of the new German debt brake requires the Constitution to save the policy. Only one of the euro crisis and the ignoring of the Stability and Growth Pact clearly shows that a brake can take effect only when you step on it too!

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