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Tour of Slovenia

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Tour of Slovenia | Novice | Etapa | Ekipe | 2020 Cancelled | I Feel Slovenia Virtual Tour Of Slovenia | Slovenian cyclists in the Fight for Green |

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Aktualni zmagovalec Dirke po Franciji in trenutno eden največjih zvezdnikov kolesarstva je tudi uradno potrdil to, kar se je govorilo že več tednov - Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) bo od 9. do 13. junija dirkal na 27. izvedbi dirke Po Sloveniji. Three Spanish teams will join 2021 Tour of Slovenia, more than ever before in the history of the race. Only Xacobeo Galicia in 2010 and Geox in 2011 were racing in Slovenia so far, but we should not forget about the many great Spanish riders that… In the first stage, no major decisions are expected for the final outcome of the race. The first part of the stage is technically and competitively demanding. Adria Mobil Cycling Team ZaloÅ¡ka cesta 20 8000 Novo mesto Slovenia. [email protected] Kolesarski klub Adria Mobil ZaloÅ¡ka cesta 20 8000 Novo mesto Slovenija [email protected] Tour of Slovenia again broke all rating records in 2019 and should have taken place from 10 th to 14 th June 2020. The organization of such a complex event with great number of spectators and partners has to follow certain schedule and organizers have to prepare all activities in due time. Cycling club Adria Mobil in cooperation with the agency Sport Media Focus and Slovenian Tourist Board is the organizer of the first Virtual Tour of Slovenia, intended for recreational cyclists, who will be accompanied by some of the best Slovenian professionals including the current best cyclist in the world.. Cycling has been a sport for some time now, where you can be active during all 12. V prvi etapi ni pričakovati pomembnejÅ¡ih odločitev za končni razplet. Prvi del etape je tehnično in tekmovalno zahteven. Kolesarji vedo, da lahko na dokaj ravni etapi več izgubiÅ¡ kot pridobiÅ¡. Following the example of the Tour de France, many races have chosen the yellow as the color of the leader’s jersey and the same was true also for the Tour of Slovenia until 2017, when the organizer, Adria Mobil Cycling Team, replaced it with the green color, which illustrates and symbolizes the green Slovenian landscape and at the same time the fight for a clean, green environment (#.

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