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Domov - OSI sistemske rešitve d.o.o.

Opis strani

Lastnik domene

Miha Poberaj
[Prikaži vse domene v lasti lastnika Miha Poberaj]

Ključne besede


3.71 od 10

Naslovi v uporabi

OSI sistemske integracije d.o.o. | Products OSI.SI | Services OSI.SI | Professional Services OSI.SI | Solutions OSI.SI | Partners OSI.SI | OSI.KMS OSI.SI | OSI.TimeTracker OSI.SI | Zaposlitev OSI.SI |

Iz vsebine

OSI je podjetje z dolgoletnimi izkuÅ¡njami na področju informacijskih sistemov, sistemov informacijske varnosti in sistemske integracije. Products that allow business easier and safer use of electronic services are based on many years of experience in information technology services. OSI Enterprise services include consulting services and outsourcing. Enterprise services are provided in collaboration with customer’s team and resolving challenges, posed by information technology, with the aim of achieving the best use of existing technology, new requirements and combination of vendor solutions and open source software. Main scope of our professional services is to help our customers to gain maximum added value from existing investments. We provide following professional services: Consulting, Analyses, Design and planning, Prof of concepts, Implementation. Solutions are performed with the integration of OSI products and open source / commercial products, our knowledge and our own integration modules. Oracle is one of the largest companies in the field of software and hardware. It is most visible in the field of databases, application servers and Exadata hardware and Sun. OSI d.o.o. is Oracle Gold Partner and we also hold the specialization for Oracle Database and Oracle Enterprise Linux, what proves the advanced stage of partnership. OSI.KMS is a group of products for safe implementation of various cryptographic operations and managing cryptographic keys that are necessary within smart cards mass production system, within processes of secure exchange of cryptographic keys between systems or for specific operations such as tokenization of data within processes of electronic processing of security-sensitive information. OSI d.o.o. Ukmarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija +386 (0)31 375 179 www.osi.si [email protected] OSI.KMS je skupina produktov za varno izvajanje različnih kriptografskih operacij in upravljanje kriptografskih ključev, ki so potrebni v okviru masovne izdaje in upravljanja pametnih kartic, v okviru procesov varne izmenjave kriptografskih ključev med sistemi ali za specifične operacije, kot je tokenizacija podatkov v okviru procesov elektronske obdelave varnostno občutljivih informacij.

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