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Opis strani

Začetki Ilirije segajo v daleč nazaj prejšnje stoletje, v leto 1908. Takrat smo se zavezali kakovosti, ki je še danes vodilo družbe.

Lastnik domene

[Prikaži vse domene v lasti lastnika ILIRIJA, d.d.]

Ključne besede


3.31 od 10

Naslovi v uporabi

Domov | COSMETICS | Izdelki | Drogerija Ilirija, frizerski salon Hair Spa in spletna | ILIRIJA | BIOKILL | O nas | About Us |

Iz vsebine

WELCOME! Beginnings of Ilirija reach way back into the previous century. We were as committed to quality then as we are now. In more than 100 years of history we created a lot of well-known brands from our own production, we established ourselves as respected partners and successful distributors. Leather is almost alive. It requires attention and care with special cleaning agents. It responds with softness, longevity and shape. All you need for the perfect care of leather is contained in the ILIRIJA collection of products for leather and shoe care. Drogerija Ilirija nudi obsežno ponudbo izdelkov blagovnih znamk Ilirije in drugih priznanih blagovnih znamk. To so kozmetični in dekorativni izdelki, izdelki za dom in gospodinjstvo, frizerski izdelki, oprema in pripomočki, modni dodatki, kot so torbice in bižuterija, ter nagrobni in dekorativni program Ilirija Light. With the renovation of the production plant in Lendava in 2009 in accordance with the EU regulations on the regularity of cosmetics production, we have provided the optimum conditions for production, particularly for the key areas of hair cosmetics, facial cosmetics, and hair colourants.

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