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EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers.
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EURAXESS Slovenia | Jobs Search | PHD student M/F | PhD student | Funding Search | Ingénieur "tests aimant IRM Iseult 11.7T | Jobs & Funding | Researcher | Formulation multi-champs avec changement de | Sales Engineer |Iz vsebine
Welcome to EURAXESS in Slovenia, EURAXESS is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other. Packed with information, EURAXESS covers mobility issues for researchers and entrepreneurs, allows universities and businesses to find the right talent, and connects people, projects and funding. Enter free text keywords and select criteria in the black boxes to perform a job search; Use the Filter By to filters job offers offered by refugee-welcoming organisations. The doctoral student will be hired on the basis of a CNRS scholarship for 3 years. The research will be supervised by Professor Konstantinos Christoforidis and Dr Valerie Keller within the Catalysis and Materials Department (group of Photocatalysis and Photoconversion) of ICPEES (UMR CNRS 7515). The institute is located in the premises of the. KEY WORDS: Huntington disease, juvenile HD, neurodevelopment, huntingtin deficiency, brain formation, brain cell populations, organoids, single cell RNA sequencing, iPSC, stem cells Research topic: Discovering disorders of brain development in Huntington disease as a consequence of putative total huntingtin deficiency in HD, using juvenile HD. Refine your search by filtering the discipline that is funding, the following options are available: Formal sciences Mathematics, Computer sciences, Logic, Statistics, Systems science Le projet Iseult s'intègre dans une coopération franco-allemande initiée en 2006 qui vise à développer un IRM à très haut champ (11.75T) associé à une nouvelle génération d'agents de contraste pour repousser les limites de l'imagerie cérébrale. La pièce maîtresse de cet IRM est un aimant supraconducteur de près de 130 tonnes. In 2005, the European Commission adopted a European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. These two documents, addressed to researchers as well as employers and funders in both the public and private sectors, are key elements in the European Commission Union's policy to make research an attractive career. Development and management of intelligent environments based on IoT platforms aimed at monitoring the behavior of healthy people and/or patients with some type of disease and the appropriate implementation of the necessary interventions. La simulation des procédés de mise en forme où la déformation est imposée de manière très progressive nécessite de nombreuses opérations de mise en forme, qui se traduisent par de nombreux incréments de calcul lors de leur simulation numérique. Lorsque le procédé est stationnaire, il est possible de réduire grandement les temps de. The Sales Engineer Netherlands works for the Sales & Marketing department and is engaged in the further expansion of our market position in the Dutch market through intensificationIP naslov strežnika zapisi
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