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EMARS – Empathy of music – Empathy of music, poletna glasbena Å¡ola, festival

Opis strani

EMARS je ideja o ustvarjanju in povezovanju glasbenikov, ki preko glasbe s svojim delom in različnimi izkušnjami bogatijo svoje znanje.rn rnEMARS v svoji platformi

Lastnik domene

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1.72 od 10

Naslovi v uporabi

DOMOV EMARS Empathy of music | DOBRNA EMARS Empathy of music | MASTER EMARS Empathy of music | IMRESSIONS EMARS Empathy of music | PREDSTAVITEV EMARS Empathy of music | | MASTER 2017/18 EMARS Empathy of music | SUMMER SCHOOL EMARS Empathy of music | SLOVENIA EMARS Empathy of music |

Iz vsebine

EMARS je ideja o ustvarjanju in povezovanju glasbenikov, ki preko glasbe s svojim delom in različnimi izkuÅ¡njami bogatijo svoje znanje v čudovitem okolju Term Dobrna. EMARS v svoji platformi vključuje poletno Å¡olo EMARS za mlade glasbenike, EMARSMaster, Festival EMARS, in EMARS Tour, ki na neposreden in inovativen način DOBRNA Dobrna was given municipality status after the 1998 reform of local self-government in the Republic of Slovenia. On a total surface of 31.68 km², the municipality has 2,164 inhabitants. There are 11 settl ements in the Dobrna municipality, namely Dobrna, Pristova, EMARS MASTER. The number of spaces available for each individual instrument is limited to 10 candidates. In the event that there are more applicants than we can accept, auditions (each applicant must preform a program of their own choosing, that lasts no longer than 4 minutes) and the candidates will be given their results shortly thereafter. Emars is an incredibly professional entity, most importantly led with a lot of heart and soul. It is genuine, passionate and forward-thinking. Their intention is to develop musicians as humans, equip them with skills that will help them master their performances, both technically and psychologically. It it my absolute privilege to work Predstavitev EMARS je ideja o ustvarjanju in povezovanju glasbenikov, ki preko glasbe s svojim delom in različnimi izkuÅ¡njami bogatijo svoje znanje v čudovitem okolju Term Dobrna. EMARS v svoji platformi vključuje poletno Å¡olo za mlade glasbenike, Festival EMARS, in Orkester Tour EMARS, ki na neposreden in inovativen način s svojo eksluzivno ponudbo ponuja emars.si MASTER presents the highest level in EMARS project for aspiring young musicians, whose main drive in life is music. It facilitates a step up from conventional musical education, taught by world-class professors over the course of the school year (who aid in the discovery and encouragement of exceptional musical talents). Send your application form together with the summary payment slip of the registration fee paid (Abanka d.d. IBAN: SI56 0510 0801 5793 144 – BIC/SWIFT: ABANSI2X) with reference »registration fee for summer school« / till 21st June 2019 on [email protected]. In case of your cancellation the registration fee will not be returned. The cost of the. Slovenia, officially the Republic of Slovenia is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean.Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of coastline along the Adriatic Sea.. The capital and largest city is Ljubljana. Dobrna je kraj, ki leži na nadmorski viÅ¡ini 375 m, v severnem delu Celjske kotline, med obronki PaÅ¡kega Kozjaka in Pohorja. Je na pol poti med Celjem in Velenjem, le 14 km jo loči od povezave z avtocesto (Arja vas), od Maribora je oddaljena 69, Ljubljane pa 79 km.

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