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Naslov strani - Predstavitev podjetja
Opis strani
Varilsko montažne storitve na industrijskih in energetskih objektih.rnHigh quality welding assembly works on industrial projects.
Lastnik domene
ECOINVEST d.o.o.[Prikaži vse domene v lasti lastnika ECOINVEST d.o.o.]
Ključne besede
varilci, montaža, welding, welders, industrial welders, cevarji, kljuÄavniÄar, foreman, welder, pipe fiter, locksmith.rnthermal power plants, hydropower plants, nuclear power plants, refineries, cogeneration systems, biomass systems, drying systems, district heating and cooling pipelines, steam pipelines, gas pipelines, oil pipelines and pumping stations, krojenje, montažo in demontažo cevovodov na kotlovnicah, kotlih, termoelektrarnah, hidroelektrarnah, jedrskih elektrarnah, rafinerijah, suÅ¡ilnicah, parovodih, plinovodih, naftovodih, Ärpalnih postajah, transportnih sistemih in remontih,
0.00 od 10Naslovi v uporabi Predstavitev podjetja | References | Certifikati | Pregled izdelkov | Ecoline | Successful in the Past Prepared for the Future | Technical insulation | Company profile | Ecoinvest | Thermaflex |Iz vsebine
Predstavitev podjetja. Podjetje Ecoinvest d.o.o. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1991 in od tedaj uspeÅ¡no poslujemo na slovenskih in tujih trgih. Ecoinvest se ukvarja z najzahtevnejÅ¡imi montažnimi storitvami na industrijskih in energetskih objektih. Varilsko montažne storitve na industrijskih in energetskih objektih. High quality welding assembly works on industrial projects. 8 4 1 2 5 6 FLEXALEN cevne palice 7 (d110 - d225) FLEXALEN 60 (d16-d32) FLEXALEN Solar light PROTECTUBE Temperaturno obmoÄje od -15° C do +95° C 5 Successful in the Past Prepared for the Future A Review of the Performance of Polybutylene Pressure Piping Systems in meeting the needs of sustainable building regulations. Polybutylene was discovered over 50 years ago. Its introduction into pressure piping applications started in the mid 1960s. Since then continuous research and development has resulted in optimised material characteristics. Thermaflex is a complete technical insulation system based on high quality polyethylene foam, which can be used for a variety of heating, plumbing, chilling, air conditioning and ventilation installations. Benefits of Thermaflex products include: n Excellent thermo physical properties n Wide range of operating temperatures Company profile. Company Ecoinvest d.o.o. was founded in 1991 and since then successfully do business in Slovenian and foreign markets. We perform high quality welding assembly works on industrial projects such as, thermal power plants, hydropower plants, nuclear power plants, refineries, cogeneration systems, biomass systems, drying systems. Thermaflex. Thermaflex is an established brand since 1976 in the field of technical insulation for Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Ventilation. Thermaflex insulation products are made from environmentally friendly materials -fully recyclable Polyolefines as the major part.IP naslov strežnika zapisi
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