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učenje modelarstva s preprostimi modeli

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www. | e-Rokodelnica: F-16 Falcon | e-Rokodelnica: a Biplane | e-Rokodelnica: a Supersonic Airliner | Messerschmitt Me-262 | e-Rokodelnica: Raketa | Christmas crib | e-Rokodelnica: F5D Skylancer | The Cross | e-Rokodelnica: Bell UH-1 Huey |

Iz vsebine

www.e-rokodelnica.si: Odrasli rokodelci: Elektrotehnika in obdelava signalov: Erwachsene Bastler: Elektrotechnik und Signalverarbeitung: Grown-up Craftsmen: Electrotechnics and Signal Processing: Bodoči rokodelci: Načrti za izdelavo modelov, navodila za uporabo žage: Werden die Bastler: Modellvorlagen, Anleitungen für die Laubsäge : Going to be Craftsmen: Free plans for models. www.e-rokodelnica.si: On this page, it is described how to build a plywood airplane model of F-16 Falcon fighter. The airplane model is a fretsaw project and it is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. Since the model is not difficult to make, it is suitable for beginners. The model airplane is not a flying one, but it can be used as a toy. It has a seat for a pilot. On the. www.e-rokodelnica.si: This page describes a model of a biplane made of plywood that has a propeller driven by an electric motor. The airplane model is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. The biplane is not a flying one, but it can be used as a toy. Because of small parts, it (as a toy) is not suitable for children under three years. Table of Contents: Material and Tools. www.e-rokodelnica.si: This page describes a model of a supersonic airliner made of plywood. The airplane model is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. Since the model is not difficult to make, it is suitable for beginners. The model airplane is not a flying one, but it can be used as a toy, because it has seats for passengers. Because of small parts, it (as a toy) is not. www.e-rokodelnica.si: This page describes a model of ME-262 made of plywood. The airplane model is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. Since it is not difficult to make, it is suitable for beginners. The model airplane is not a flying one, but it can be used as a toy, because it has seat for pilot. Because of small parts, it (as a toy) is not suitable for children under. e-rokodelnica.si: This page describes a model of rocket made of plywood. The model is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. Since it is not difficult to make, it is suitable for beginners. The model of rocket is not a flying one, but it can be used as a toy, because it has a seat for pilot. Because of small parts, it (as a toy) is not suitable for children under three years. www.e-rokodelnica.si: People prepare on upcoming holiday season. To prepare for the celebration of Christmas Day, a crib could be made (besides shopping). The crib is a scene that shows the moment of arrival of God to the world. On this page you can find patterns of figures that are cut out of plywood. Table of Contents: Material and Tools; Preparation of Parts; Assembling; It is not allowed. www.e-rokodelnica.si: This page describes a model of F5D Skylancer made of plywood. The airplane model is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. Since it is not difficult to make, it is suitable for beginners. The model airplane is not a flying one, but it can be used as a toy. Because of small parts, it (as a toy) is not suitable for children under three years. Table of. www.e-rokodelnica.si: Here, it is described how to make the cross out of plywood. It is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. Since it is not difficult to make, it is suitable for beginners. Table of Contents: Material and Tools; Preparation of Parts; Assembling; It is not allowed to use this document or part of it for commercial purposes. The exception is teachers who may. www.e-rokodelnica.si: Here is a plan for a model of helicopter Huey, which is made of plywood. The model is designed to learn sawing with a fretsaw and other skills. Since it is not difficult to make, it is suitable for beginners. The model helicopter is not a flying one, but it can be used as a toy. Because of small parts, it (as a toy) is not suitable for children under three years. Table of.

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